下图(从“physicalgeography.net”显然是有些指导:请注意,即使在夏天,印度(约30度;N)仍被太阳略高于英国(60度;N)。那是因为尽管日子长在英国,太阳在天空中较低,所以它的热量分散到更广泛的领域。但是北极变得更加阳光比英国或印度,6月和赤道会少得多。所以有一些解释。原因是热惯性。[!(每月日晒在不同纬度的图)[1]][1]<子>这张图显示了日晒平均超过24小时在四个不同的纬度。这显示了理论日晒。该模型用于计算这些曲线包括地球的椭圆轨道的影响,但不考虑任何大气影响,如能量被大气吸收,也没有任何云等天气效果。它显示了一个完美的黑色圆盘面积1 m²放置上方大气和面向的地球表面将获得平均水平约515焦耳每秒在北极在6月21日,平均约380焦耳每秒在赤道。 The main reason for the Equator value being so low is that it is night time for about 12 hours at the equator. [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/9CSGe.png Imagine pushing a heavy ball. It can take some time for it to begin to move quickly because it has inertia. Similarly, it takes time for the ground and water to heat up when the sun shines upon them. India gets much more sun in winter, and so the ground and water remain warm. When summer comes, it heats up further and ends up much hotter than Britain. In Britain there is very little sun in winter, and the ground and water cool down (and freeze). Then, even when the sun comes in summer, it takes time to warm up. By the time the ground and water have warmed up, the sun is already starting to weaken. And so the temperature never rises as much as it can in India. There are lots of details and local effects (the gulf stream in Britain, and the monsoon in India are significant) but the basic reason that India is hotter *in summer* is that it gets more sun *in winter*! [Pidwirny, M. (2006). "Earth-Sun Relationships and Insolation". Fundamentals of Physical Geography, 2nd Edition.](http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/6i.html)