我建议从ERA-Interim ERA-5,因为ERA-Interim很快就会过时的。这是目前给出的数据提供者的信息:>时代临时被淘汰。强烈建议用户迁移到ERA5。时代的最后日期可以临时将于2019年8月31日,这将是2019年10月底发布。它仍然是好的解决这个问题,你目前有ERA-Interim。> […]在陆地上一些网格细胞海冰信息。不是一个大问题,到目前为止,因为空间离散化必须导致一些差异在近年的面具。[…]提到,空间离散化会导致差异。 Do you use the land-sea mask from the [data provider][1]? If the land-sea mask is given in a fraction, you would have the possibility to put a threshold on the land-sea fraction and thereby filtering out "coastal" gridpoints. The best value for this threshold depends on your application. > [...] But these specific grid cells, those closest to the coast (or even on land) show very weird values sometimes. Is the dataset conforming to the [CF conventions][2]? If so, the variable considered most likely has a valid_range attribute. There are specific rules specified how software should treat the data. You should check that your software adheres to these rules. Inspecting the data with another software package can be helpful. If this does not solve the problem, I suggest contacting the data provider, since there might be a real issue with the data that they should be aware of. [1]: https://apps.ecmwf.int/datasets/data/interim-full-invariant/ [2]: http://cfconventions.org/