我们将金星作为典范的例子失控的温室效应。首先,让我们谈谈日夜变化。在表面水平几乎没有改变金星的反照率为0.77,即大气折射光的77%。比较这个地球的反照率为0.3。所以在金星的大气层的总体能量平衡来自太阳的热量扮演一个很小的角色,大部分只会影响大气的上层。甚至什么光不是立即反射回来主要是被大气吸收,因此,日夜温度变化几乎是不存在的。低层大气有大约相同的温度在白天还是晚上,在赤道或杆。同时,像大多数的类地行星金星继续生产主要是由于放射性元素的衰变热的地幔。这些热量替代丢失的金额从大气中进入太空。结果是一个稳定的系统,真正唯一能影响它在这个阶段是随着时间的推移逐渐减少核衰变热。 **EDIT:** Having a very long discussion in the comments so I figured I'll update the post to better explain what I meant in the post. A planet's atmosphere is a thermodynamic system that in the case of Venus appears to be in the state of equilibrium, i.e. heat received in the system equals heat lost to space primarily via IR radiation. The main parts of planetary energy balance are as follows: incoming solar radiation and geothermal heat as sources of income and loss is primarily radiative. Geothermal heat also consists of residual heat left over from planet's formation and additional heat generated by the decay of radionuclides. In the case of the Earth geothermal heat is [estimated at some 47 TW][1] about half of which is estimated to come from the residual heat and half - from radioactive decay. I couldn't find any reliable sources for Venus, but due to similarities in composition it's reasonable to say that it would exhibit similar energy flux but due to lover volume it's likely to be around 40 TW. So now the overall simplistic view at the components that result in constant atmospheric temperature of Venus: - Albedo of 0.77 limits the amount of solar radiation from an initial flux of $\approx 2601 W/m^2$ to only about $157 W/m^2$ [enter link description here][2] - Additional minor energy income comes from planet's interior as discussed above. - Finally, heat escapes primarily via IR radiation. - High density of atmosphere distributes energy more evenly. [1]: https://se.copernicus.org/articles/1/5/2010/ [2]: http://lasp.colorado.edu/~espoclass/ASTR_5835_2015_Readings_Notes/Titov_Et_Al-EVTP.pdf