>还有其他测量造成了当前的理解地球的核心除了这两个?答案当然是“是的”。其他答案已经提到的实验,试图重现条件类似地球内部。我将提供两人;还有更多。一个是射电天文学。确定类星体的明显位置的准确性大大增加了地球的方向。这样做与现代通信技术导致甚长基线干涉测量法。两者的结合降低了不确定性在地球的方位milliarcsecond下。这让深的洞察力(一语双关)地球核心的本质。 The Earth's Chandler wobble does not behave quite like that of a rigid body. How this varies over time gives insights into the nature of the Earth's core. The Earth's [free core nutation](https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/pdf/2013/07/aa21585-13.pdf) is also observable from the precise Earth orientation parameters. Another is precise gravity models of the Earth. These too give insights into the Earth's core, including the Earth's moment of inertia, the Chandler wobble, and the free core nutation. Going beyond the Earth, gravity models provide one of the key observational techniques for studying the interior of the Moon, Mars, and Jupiter. Scientists know that the Moon and Mars have partially molten cores thanks to gravity models developed from precise orbit determination based on the many satellites that have orbited the Moon and Mars. Scientists know that Jupiter has a diffuse core thanks to precise orbit determination of the Juno spacecraft's orbit about the planet.