这有几个原因。其中一个是空中交通问题。大气的部分有趣的天气(即[troposhere][1]和[平流层][2])也发生在几乎所有飞机的飞行。这就是为什么空中交通管制通知和航行通告(通知飞行员,或者像美国现在称之为,通知空中任务)发行时将气象气球操作。对于一个正常的气球,气球只会在几分钟内保持在有潜在危险的海拔(且仅几分钟,最多的海拔空中交通密度,)所以在发射计划空中交通不是太大的问题。然而,如果气球住在海拔不断收集有用的信息,它也会不断空中交通的危害。一个额外的原因,正如其他答案提到的,是气象气球发射的目的是收集数据为* *海拔至少从表面到较低的部分平流层,不仅仅是一个高度。所以,气球上升阶段的飞行组成主要是紧随其后的是终止功能,不是一个错误。无线电探空仪连接到气球收集数据,如环境温度、露点、空气压力、风力大小,和所有海拔的风向。这些信息然后艾滋病气象学家在决定各种有用的信息,如降水总量预测,潜在的雷暴发展什么类型(如果有的话)的降水预计将表面,以及在高海拔(航空天气预报)深度不同的气团在锋面过境,高空风,急流的位置,方向,大小,等等。无线电探空仪收集的数据是这样的:[!(无线电探空仪数据从气象气球)[3]][3]最近从NWS气象气球从纳什维尔发射无线电探空仪数据,TN。气压单位左边毫巴(公里高度红色。) Source: [National Weather Service][5] Additionally, balloons are subject to wind. _A lot_ of wind. Making them stay put in one spot relative to the ground is not so easy, especially in the portions of the atmosphere that are interesting for weather observations, which usually have non-trivial winds aloft, even when the wind is mostly calm at the surface. As seen in the radiosonde data in the picture above, winds aloft were measured up to about 118 knots (136 mph or 219 km/h) in this particular launch. According to the U.S. National Weather Service, even its normal balloon launches [can drift as much as 125 miles (200 km)][4] during flight. If you just let the balloons free-float indefinitely, then they won't stay where you want them for long, at least not in the interesting parts of the atmosphere. In order to produce reliable, comparable records, the balloons need to be launched at the specified times from the same positions on the ground. Of course, you can tether balloons to the ground in order to make them stay in a mostly-fixed position, but tethers long enough to reach up to 20 km / 65,000 ft or so are not exactly practical and would also greatly magnify the risk posed to air traffic. [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troposphere [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stratosphere [3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/zpyRC.png [4]: https://www.weather.gov/bmx/kidscorner_weatherballoons [5]: https://www.spc.noaa.gov/exper/soundings/