我看看你的问题对了:你想了解陨石爆炸的原因是什么?让我们在一个可以理解的方式解释。你知道在太空中我们几乎绝对真空因此没有流星和其他粒子之间的摩擦,这是它之所以能达到如此高的速度,不熔化或爆炸。进入地球大气层陨石周围的粒子密度上升由于其速度非常快。陨石一定电阻依赖于它的速度和规模。这就像biketrip出去。你走得越快越空气阻力可以感觉,更当穿一件厚夹克为例,这意味着更高的表面来攻击。所以,流星进入大气层,与之相撞。取决于它的密度、硬度和整体能量会发生三件事:1。密集,难以承受碰撞,但会有如此高的增加热能由于摩擦,它开始熔化/蒸发而前进2“缓慢”。 It has such a high energy and/or small density and hardness that the energy set free is high enough to let the meteorite evaporize or explode directly upon crashing with the atmosphere.. 3. It withstands the thermal and mechanical energy arising and keeps on flying Of course the meteorite loses energy during that process and will slow down. Note that the energy is not lost but transformed. The air/rocks around the impact will have an increase in energy causing them to thermally expanse extremely fast thus creating a shockwave. This part is what you could call the main explosion. Also the Atmosphere consists of more than one layer of different densities (lower layer, higher density) so the whole process of crashing into a wall of higher density happens several times before finally reaching earth's surface. In case 3 the meteorite will keep flying until hitting a harder surface, that would be our earth in this case. The earth is big and hard enough to absorb the energy from the impact. So the meteorite crashes and will then release it's entire internal energy, since it can't move forward anymore, which in most cases is high enough to let it explode or evaporize.. In case of a very small meteorite it might just crash without exploding, because it can withstand the energy, but will still create an impact crater. So the process when hitting the atmosphere or earth's surface is the same: A change in density causes the meteorite to release energy. At the end a little metaphor for even better understanding: You take a rock and throw it against a wall.. It crashes and will maybe create a little crater but it won't explode.. Now you take the same rock and throw it as hard as you can so it has more energy.. when hitting the wall again it will release all it's energy and explode.. Due to the walls hardness it can't move through it, of course unless the rock is is harder than the wall and fast enough.. That would be the equivalent to the meteorite hitting earth. Try the same mind experiment with the same rock being thrown at water, which would be the equivalent to the meteorite hitting the atmosphere, which can be seen as a fluid. PS: So the release of energy when colliding is what causes the explosion whether it disintegrates or not. The equivalent to 15.000 tons of TNT represents the internal energy of the meteorite that's set free.