更具体地说,我试图找出气候类似农场。这是在印度南部5200 - 6200英尺。我有点太小Koppen映射到正确的显示模式。我很快就会得到一个气象站等,但是需要几个月到一年之前我有足够的数据。但是现在我有一些实验种植,所以. .我的问题是,如果你在5800英尺在印度的热带和亚热带地区,气候就会更像一个温带或高山气候,但随着季风?换句话说,我的问题有一个多面手的方面,也就是:会发生什么热带区域的土地增加高度吗?它变得更“温和的”或“高山”实际上?什么“热带”因素仍然有效(例如,阳光,我猜)?如果我声音疑惑这个东西是如何工作的,会爱一个人可以直接我某种指南,也是! EDIT: It's in the Nilgiri Hills, Tamil Nadu, in a region called Bengal Mattam. My deleted comment: There's a small stream that runs through the farm, right at the border, all along the lowest point of our farm/the hillside. The stream then turns sharply and in one kilometer from that turning point, empties into an irregularly shaped reservoir, which is about 669 meters from one end to other, and about 250 on two other extremes. I'm guessing that won't count for much except increase humidity and dew?