我发现了一些蓝色的补丁在谷歌地球的阿拉伯沙漠。看起来就像湖泊与沙丘上升的水。但是在沙漠中没有水,至少不会这么多,还是?我们看到的形象吗?我意识到我们所见到的颜色在图像可能是不准确的。[![在这里输入图像描述][1]][2]*[链接到谷歌地图](https://www.google.com/maps/@20.641166, 54.3972003, 23537米/ data = ! 3 m1 ! 1 e3) - - - - - * *弗雷德在回应的评论是否会显示水雨* *后我花了一些时间来浏览(陆地卫星档案)(http://landsatlook.usgs.gov/),看情况正在改变。这是一个比较同一地区的两种不同的天(注意不同的日期,约1.5个月)。比较表明,情况正在改变,即它不会永久是这样的。大部分的时间就像第一张照片。 This is not the exact same area as above, but it's "nearby". ![enter image description here][3] ![enter image description here][4] **Are there satellite images freely available taken at wavelengths that can clearly show water?** ---- **Update 2** Here's some [daily MODIS images][5] from the same time as the two photos above, I'm not really sure what to make of them though. See the clouds passing through 2013 Aug 3-4. The precipitation layers in the same tool do confirm rain during those two days. ---- **Update 3** [Yet another image showing more clearly what looks like lakes.][6] Click for description and full-size image showing larger area. This is the eastern part of *Rub' al Khali*. [![enter image description here][7]][8] ---- **Update 4** These are likely old and dried up lake beds. [Mention on Wikipedia.][9] Quote from [article][10]: > All that remains of the lakes are their eroded basins, standing up in forlorn little buttes a meter or so high, **in stark white or gray against the Rub' al-Khali's infinity of rusty-red sand**. It doesn't explain the bluish colour, but it's likely these dried up lake beds that I see on the images. [Some ground-level photos here.](http://www.sidetracked.com/the-empty-quarter/) [1]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/dzjN2.jpg [2]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/dzjN2.jpg [3]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/TJ35K.png [4]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/EjJCJ.jpg [5]: http://1.usa.gov/1DvKjT4 [6]: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/image_feature_1200.html [7]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/WWvjg.jpg [8]: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/image_feature_1200.html [9]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rub%27_al_Khali#Lake_beds [10]: https://www.saudiaramcoworld.com/issue/198903/lakes.of.the.rub.al-khali.htm