2 H <子> < /订阅> O地球上的冰结晶的结构称为“Ice-Ih”这是六角形。依赖于结构的偶极子特性H <子> 2 < /订阅> O-molecules。类似于什么水与离子将他们带入解决方案,晶体结构依赖于积极有利的偶极子的定位。Ice-Ih最有利的定位是一个(或多或少)平面六角环与负偶极子(氧气)面临着向内(或多或少)。邻近环在同一个平面和环在上方和下方平面由氢键在一起(积极的偶极子两个氢原子)。(见:[六角冰(冰Ih)] (http://www1.lsbu.ac.uk/water/ice1h.html))。雪花都是不同的,因为晶体生长非常动态。而一个晶面生长另一个可以容易溶解。当雪花吹在空中左右,温度和湿度总是改变。这有额外的效果,有时有时晶体成核和晶体生长(积极有利的在不同的温度下)是活动的。 While the snow flake descends the same dynamic continues. The crystal competes with liquid water and humidty for H2O-molecules. Even the crystal faces compete with each other leading to for example dissolution of molecules on the inside and crystallization on the outside. Because no snowflake experiences the same conditions in the same history, every one looks a little different (not surprising because actually there are also not two [Zircon][1] crystals that look alike, or two flowers that look alike, etc...). [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zircon