< h3 > < / h3 >这是没有证据的。仅仅因为你的胃里有一个鸡蛋的时候,你吃完一个,这并不意味着你是从一个鸡蛋孵出的。不像其他一些伪科学的想法,地壳位移的形式([灾难性的极地变化](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cataclysmic_pole_shift_hypothesis))至少证实是错误的。(我第一次遇到这个想法把它归咎于神的工作,认为一个极性转变的原因是洪水圣经。)板块构造的证据是压倒性的,排除了灾难性的极性变化的可能性。还有很长一段的记录(地磁反转)(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geomagnetic_reversal)在地球的地壳。海底岩石显示north-oriented模式和south-oriented磁比对数亿年。那里是灾难性的磁极转换将在这些岩石是随机取向。当哈普古德anti-continental漂移的第一本书出版于1958年,出版商可能认为爱因斯坦的前言(他已经死了3年)将使其威望。但这前言中揭露了哈普古德的中心思想——极地冰可能导致地壳catastophically挣脱地心。 Einstein pointed out that there wasn't enough ice, and pointed out Hapgood would have to explain why other imbalances didn't cause similar shifts. About 2/3 of Earth's land mass of the Earth is in the Northern Hemisphere, and 1/3 is in the Southern Hemisphere. This is a crustal imbalance greater than any ice cap. Hapgood published a new book in 1970 where he argued the shifts were caused by some force inside the Earth. I think there are two misconceptions at work: - People conflate Earth's magnetic poles with its rotation axis, making people think a geomagnetic reversal is a physical flip of the Earth. - A basic inability to understand gravity. People can't get the association between South and Down out of their heads, even if they accept a round Earth.