一个实验室的结果并不oreboby使。*经济潜力*方面无法确定数据的问题。当谈到矿物质和经济学有两个方面需要已知和大多数人没有意识到的区别。矿产资源* * * *只是存款的特定的矿物,通常与一个特定的金属或金属。没有经济意义是附加到* * * *的资源。* *储备* *是一个资源(矿床),或部分资源,完全胜任地评估和评价的地质学家和采矿工程师和被认为是经济上的。它可以挖掘来获利。评价必须考虑:矿化的风格,大小的资源,其形状、取向(无论是近持平或近垂直下降),——它的真厚度(垂直于下跌)而不是明显的厚度,——不论是一个大型存款或一些较小的存款和他们互相靠近,——近端存款之间是否有差异,特定的金属或金属的数量,或钻石或其他商品,使用的采矿方法或方法,材料的数量,可以开采的矿床(矿业经济复苏),-矿体和周围的母岩的能力及其对地面影响条件,采矿方法和安全——的存在和数量(煤矸石)[1]矿物质和有害矿物质(如很小或讨厌大量的放射性金属铜矿,或铜金矿-矿物质可能影响冶金复苏),接近一个矿产加工厂,矿化的风格,-矿物质的数量,从而可以提取的金属加工厂(处理或冶金复苏),处置废矿化和最终康复。问题中给出的信息仅仅是整个制表的矿物质和每个矿物的比例。没有迹象表明数据是一个样本还是一个存款或一个网站。 It does not specify the amount of each specific metal of interest there is in the sample, or deposit. [Garnet][2] is a silicate mineral that is generally used as an abrasive. Given it is only 6 percent of the quantity it is most likely not economic. It could indicate potential wear issues during the mining phase of operations with a higher than usual rate of wear of drill bits when the deposit is drilled as part of drill and blast mining operations. Similarly quartz would no economic value. Like garnet it is abrasive and it will affect equipment wear issues. [Goethite][3] is an iron mineral, usually of minor importance. It this situation it will most likely be a waste mineral. Rossovskyite, columbite and tantalite are the minerals of interest. [Rossovskyite][4] contains [tantalum][5], [niobium][6] and [titanium][7]. There is no indication of how of each metal is present and how much can be recovered overall. [Columbite][8] contains niobium, see comments for rossovskyite. [Tantalite][9] contains tantalum, see comments for rossovskyite. These minerals form 83 percent of the minerals tabulated. Only 59 percent contain tantalum. One thing that is favorable is all the minerals are oxides, there is not a mix of oxides and sulfides which would complicate metallurgical plant design and recoveries. Having said that, one needs to know if such oxides can be recovered easily and inexpensively. Most nickel mines mine nickel sulfides, not oxides, partly because nickel sulfides are easier and cheaper to process than nickel sulfides. Nickel sulfides can be extracted using [flotation][10], whereas nickel oxides usually require [autoclaves][11] which are essentually large pressure cookers that use acid or ammonia to treat the nickel oxides. All you have is a table of minerals and it looks promising but there is no way to assess the economic viability of such a "deposit". What you need is a table which states the amount of metal that can be sold, stated as either so many tonnes of rock containing a particular percent of each metal of interest (i.e 200 Mt @ 2% Ta) or so many tonnes of metal recovered (i.e. 3.5 Mt of Ta, accounting for mining and metallurgical recoveries). [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gangue [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garnet [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goethite [4]: https://www.mindat.org/min-46437.html [5]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantalum [6]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niobium [7]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanium [8]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbite [9]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantalite [10]: https://www.911metallurgist.com/blog/flotation [11]: https://www.911metallurgist.com/blog/autoclave-circuit