* * * * tl;博士:地球每年收到40000吨从太空尘埃,但失去95000吨氢和氦每年1600吨。毕竟额外影响平衡,* *地球失去每年约50000吨的* *。——看来类似的问题是问在天文学堆栈交换,和(这简短的回答)(https://astronomy.stackexc江南电子竞技平台hange.com/a/11830/7982) BBC新闻文章的链接(谁,什么:是地球越来越轻吗?)(https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine) - - - 16787636)回答了这个问题。>有因素造成地球获得和失去质量随着时间的推移,根据医学微生物学家克里斯·史密斯博士和广播公司试图改善公众理解科学。> >使用一些back-of-the-envelope-style计算,史密斯博士,在剑桥大学物理学家和同事的帮助下Dave Ansell起草了一份资产负债表的进来,和发生了什么。所有数据估计。> > * *到目前为止世界上最大的贡献者的质量是40000吨的灰尘会从太空向地球* *,史密斯博士说。令人惊讶的是,广义相对论的影响被认为是全球变暖!>美国航空航天局已经计算出地球获得的能量是由于气温上升。史密斯博士和他的同事Ansell先生估计这添加能量增加地球质量的少量- * * * * 160吨。 Using $E=mc^2$ that works out to about $1.4 \times 10^{22}$ Joules/year or $4.6 \times 10^{14}$ Watts. That's about 3.6 Watts/meter^2 or about 0.3% of the total power coming from the Sun, so it does seem to be back-of-the-envelope-in-the ballpark correct! >But there is something else that is making the planet lose mass. Gases such as hydrogen are so light, they are escaping from the atmosphere. > >"Physicists have shown that the Earth is losing about three kilograms of hydrogen gas every second. **It's about 95,000 tonnes of hydrogen that the planet is losing every year**. > >"The other very light gas this is happening to is helium and there is much less of that around, so **it's about 1,600 tonnes a year of helium that we lose**." > >So taking into account the gains and the losses, Dr Smith reckons **the Earth is getting about 50,000 tonnes lighter a year**, which is just less than half the gross weight of the Costa Concordia, the Italian cruise liner, that ran aground recently.