有两个研究发表于2013年,提供最新更新这种平衡>所做,硕士6人,2013年。产犊通量和基底融化南极冰架。自然,502,89 - 92,(2013年10月3日),doi: 10.1038 / nature12567 >里戈诺特,e, 3人,2013年。南极洲冰架融化周围。科学,341,6143,266 - 270,(2013年7月19日),doi: 10.1126 /科学。1235798第一个研究到达崩解亏损1321±144吨/年,总基底质量平衡−1454±174吨/年(−=损失)。质量平衡的净质量增加冻结和融化丢失的质量所以数量并不能反映融化孤独。融化的纯损失因此大但从平衡的角度看网络是重要的。第二项研究表明崩解通量1089±139吨/年和1325±235吨/年的基底融化。尽管他们报告“融化”很可能意味着净平衡的其他研究。 The two studies have used slightly different approaches to arrive at their results, both indirect, but over all the numbers indicate that basal losses are larger than calving and that the order of magnitude is the same. In more detail, the studies show that calving losses are dominant from the larger ice shelves, the Ross and Filchner-Ronne. Melting dominate regions along the western Antarctic Peninsula and down along the coast of the Bellingshausen and Amundsen seas. For most of the East and West Indian Ocean coastlines losses are relatively small and equal between the two processes. The bottom line is that these studies have changed the perspective from ice loss being predominantly through calving to now slightly dominated by basal melting.