好问题,有机会介绍一些新的术语来这个网站。我相信闪电看到的是被称为“[干闪电][1]”,来自一个[pyrocumulonimbus][2]的云。从维基百科> Pyrocumulonimbus积云状的云,可以形成一个大火灾,特别干。[3]当冷却器大气的水平较高,因此表面热极端温度由于野火,火山,或其他事件,会发生对流,乌云和闪电。他们类似于积雨云,但是摄入额外的微粒从火中。这增加基地之间的电压差和云的顶端,帮助产生闪电[BBC新闻链接提供的更多细节这些干“罢工”背后的机制][4]>通常,山火被风但驱动一个巨大的火焰可以携带如此多的权力,其烟不是推到一边。相反,它形成一个羽流上升到15公里(9英里)向天空。因为羽包含热量和湿气,当它到达平流层可以凝结并形成云。>生长在火的危险,因为它将在风暴的特征——紊流风可以发送余烬拍摄了四面八方。有时它还可以创建自己的闪电,从而引发火灾。 Related [Snow from Fire: Could graupel, or even snow, fall from pyrocumulus clouds?][5] **UPDATE** In response to some of the questions in the comments there is a notion of a [Firestorm][6] and I am going to take a guess here by summoning the rules of [Meteorological scale analysis][7]- in order to generate firestorm clouds the area needs to be sufficiently large or the energy released from [Firebombing][8] needs to exceed a particular threshold to trigger convection. And finally purely hypothetical the February 1945 firebombing may have not have provided the heat necessary to create lightning because it happened in boreal winter. But all of this is pure speculation and I am going to end it here. In response to David Hammen's comments that Australia is not witnessing dry conditions and there are water driven thunderstorms the outgoing longwave radiation(OLR) anomaly for the last month does suggest that OP is indeed correct in the description of cloudless or near cloudless skies. [![enter image description here][9]][9] Negative OLR anomaly corresponds to enhanced convection while positive OLR anomaly corresponds to suppressed convection. Australia is indeed witnessing a drought this year thanks to the prolonged period of positive Indian Ocean Dipole as shown below. More details on the impact of positive IOD can be seen here in this BOM link - [positive IOD impact on Australian weather][10] There maybe specific periods temporally where there maybe water driven thunderstorms due to local conditions but the broad synoptic scale weather for Australia over the past one month is one that OP has described accurately. [![enter image description here][3]][3] [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dry_thunderstorm [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cumulonimbus_flammagenitus [3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/OxSp3.png [4]: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-50383800 [5]: //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/4245/snow-from-fire-could-graupel-or-even-snow-fall-from-pyrocumulus-clouds [6]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firestorm [7]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scale_analysis_(mathematics) [8]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firebombing [9]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/kbnNr.jpg [10]: http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/iod/