饱和混合比没有多少水汽的空气……但多少* *会,根据温度。因为* *绝热上升/下降* *意味着冷却或加热,* *饱和混合比例会改变* *。实际的混合比另一方面不会改变,除非你的包裹,它冷却到露点及以后,开始凝结。当你使用skew-T或这样,任何时候你看到“饱和”这个词,温度信号参考* * * *的部分概要(正确/红线)和* *不露点的* *部分(左/绿线)。当你看到这个词饱和,这是一个不同的实体。(除非T = T_d美元)*饱和*混合比是不同的混合比例,* *饱和蒸汽压力和蒸汽压不同,等等,每个都与温度/什么可以在这一点上存在的可能性,而不是露点/当前现有的水分。斜T,饱和混合比是一样的形状,向右,沿着例子混合比线通常(冲亮绿色在这张照片)。但他们不是相同的(除非T = T_d美元)行:[![在这里输入图像描述][1]][1]的饱和混合比开始温度、露点的常规混合比开始。 > I think the mixing ratio (rv=ρv/ρd) is constant as long as no water > vapor is condensed out, but saturation mixing ratio always confuses me > a little. Indeed the (regular) mixing ratio is constant as long as no condensation for an adiabatic process... for the moisture you follow the mixing ratio in ascent (until saturation). But you [follow the dry adiabat][2] (lines going up to the left on a skewt like this one) for the temperature for condensation-less ascent (so never the saturation mixing ratio line). [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/iDR8X.png [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifted_condensation_level