让我们来看看这个。大量的点一个问题。首先,太阳系。我们看不到任何碳氢化合物在太阳系内部(水星,火星)。这是因为在这一地区的太阳能系统,由太阳紫外线分解迅速破坏原始的碳氢化合物。这种效应弱得多。油井“补给”将在几十年发生在某种程度上,从内部迁移的石油。(通常只有一定比例的石油在地方恢复][1],与其他在孤立的口袋被水淹没。给它一个几十年,这些石油口袋会再迁移和联系,给予补充。我不知道你的评论*甲烷的来源方式太深来自化石。 No fossils involved.*. That's an unreferenced assertion. Helium is present in Natural Gas as a result of accumulation of alpha-decay particles from radioactive isotopes; we can see this from the massive enrichment of Helium-4 over [Helium-3][2]. It's not a paradox; geological structures that can trap methane will also trap helium. The current theory behind [petroleum geology][3] is that source rocks with a high organic content (often containing biological hydrocarbons from algae and leaf waxes) are buried in sedimentary basins; at temperatures around 100-150 degrees C this kerogen breaks down to form crude oils (this is verified in the lab). Oil then migrates out of this source rock; if it encounters a trapping geological structure, which need not be sedimentary, then it accumulates as an oil deposit. Gas is similar, with a wider range of source rocks. The physics of how this happens are [well known and established][4]. I would also note that we don't see hydrocarbons coming out of mantle-derived volcanoes such as at Hawaii. This is a major problem for any theory of primordial hydrocarbons. [1]: http://wiki.aapg.org/Reserves_estimation [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helium-3 [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petroleum_geology [4]: http://wiki.aapg.org/Plate_tectonics_and_basin_formation