我不熟悉burn-beating这个词,但是从下午提供的描述m . Soininen”burn-beating殖民化的技术基础在芬兰在16和17世纪”,斯堪的纳维亚经济历史回顾*,* 7卷,2号,第166 - 150页。(扫描在线(https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080%2F03585522.1959.10411414))这个词似乎指的是刀耕火种的农业(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slash-and-burn)。在刀耕火种的农业,(大多数)一个地区的植被砍伐和燃烧,产生的草木灰作为化肥由于其矿物含量,特别是钾和磷。在三到五年内,土壤的矿物含量由连续农作物耗尽,被抛弃,和培养移动到下一个区域。字段由刀耕火种的农业因此*临时*性质的。Soininen的论文描述了刀耕火种的农业实践的多个不同的方法在芬兰直到最近。相比之下,领域,一旦创建,用于长,不定时间*永久*字段。从历史上看,等领域不断使用的时间跨度从几十到几千年。字段的放弃偶尔发生由于任意数量的持续农业困难的因素,如边际土壤和气候条件或缺乏人力资源。永久字段需要小心管理土壤保持生育能力。历史上这已经涉及(轮作)(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crop_rotation)和休闲地(在哪些字段允许“休息”,一个或数年),由动物粪便灌溉,施肥和/或植被问题来自其它领域(如[plaggen土壤](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plaggen_soil)在德国北部的部分地区,或利用海藻部分爱尔兰)。 The primary cereals for making bread are wheat and rye, while barley and oats may be mixed in. Historically significant portions of the rural population of Europe were sustained by cereal-based food in the form of [gruel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gruel) and [porridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porridge) rather than by bread, especially prior to the introduction of the potato. Barley can be consumed in the form of [pearl barley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearl_barley) and [groats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groat_(grain)) and oats in the form of [oatmeal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oatmeal). Especially in cool and humid climates not very suitable for cultivating wheat and rye, oats were once commonly cultivated and consumed. When [Samuel Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Johnson) wrote his [dictionary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Dictionary_of_the_English_Language), he famously defined oats as: "A grain which in England is generally given to horses, but in Scotland supports the people." A major historical and modern use of barley has been as malted barley, the main ingredient in beer brewing. In the case of Finland it is interesting to note how late the transition from slash-and-burn agriculture to the use of permanent fields occurred. According to Teija Alenius, *Environmental change and anthropogenic impact on lake sediments during the Holocene in the Finnish − Karelian inland area*, Ph.D. thesis, University of Helsinki, 2007 ([online](https://helda.helsinki.fi/handle/10138/21221)) > Another study question concerns the relationship between slash-and-burn cultivation and permanent field cultivation. According to historical records, slash-and-burn cultivation remained the major method of cereal-crop cultivation in eastern Finland until the late 19th century (Soininen 1974). Permanent Iron Age fields, found at the city of Mikkeli, suggest cultivation on permanent fields from the 7th century (Mikkola 2004). This finding is significant, because it is the easternmost permanent prehistoric field complex found in Finland and therefore has a great socio-economic value (Mikkola 2004; Mikkola and Talvio 2000).