这可能是很明显的,但我没有碰到“好”的解释当试图思考一个冰川是推进和出现悬崖(我猜下面的行为取决于悬崖高于冰川?)。* *接下来会发生什么?冰川如何传达“悬崖?做低水平(包括iceflow)困吗?* *从地质的角度来看,这是发生在[波罗的海克林特·][1]尽管大多数这些悬崖在15 - 25米的范围。然而,也有一些暴露(目前的水上)部分略高。我把一个小地图(20 m民主党;通常现代海岸悬崖的一行,然后偶尔的内陆)下面哪一种演示了这种情况下集中在塔林,爱沙尼亚,近似方向,冰川将从最后一个冰期期间已经接近。[![在这里输入图像描述][2]][2]诚然,这不是一个“好”与真实情况~ 20 k年前均衡隆升引起了这些地方,我们无法知道该地区像* *冰川来之前在香港。 I also find the sentence (from the above Wikipedia page) weird: > However it is not known to which degree the Baltic Klint originated in postglacial time or if it evolved from cliff-like forms sculpted by the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet. In Gotland 20th century cliff retreat rates have been estimated at 0.15 to 0.78 cm/year. I don't see how the glacier's advance/retreat could have caused such a cliff if the limestone plateau did not exist there beforehand. I'm not expecting an answer based on this location specifically, but rather perhaps there are some imaged cliff-faces in Antarctica where the behaviour has been explored? I tried some searches and found [this][3] which seems relevant but I wasn't able to access the full text. [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baltic_Klint [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/YIEBM.jpg [3]: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017AGUFM.C33D1226P/abstract