是的可以构建一个结构类似于你描述的,这就是一些研究者使用研究云的形成和运作的过程。重新创建的其他答案和评论已经建立了全面的天气系统可能是不可能的,但[* *气象云室* *][1]存在再现特定的天气现象。你问关于*“最好是消费者品位”*的例子,但由于这些类型的设备都是有效的自定义构建在某种程度上,您可能会创建一个“消费级”版本(只是不一定期望研究级数据来自你的努力!)。从研究的角度来看,它们主要用于研究在云微物理过程:凝结的冰核,化学分子之间的相互作用在云、雪形成,水晶淞化,雷暴电气化等等。正如你所指出的问题,缩小问题意味着他们不适合大规模繁殖天气特征,虽然限制大如你建立它我想…这里有一个链接到一个[研究级冰云室][2],英国曼彻斯特大学的使用,。有一些优秀的照片是如何组合在一起(不幸的是我没有权限把它们)。本质上这是一个10米钢室,可冷却到-55摄氏度。压力可以降低模拟对流层上层的条件(约50 hpa)。在某些场合它被使用在雷雨电气化繁殖条件。 Here's a video of a [home-made cloud chamber in action][3] (again, it is imitating small scale features and processes in clouds, not weather systems per se.), and a simple diagram of how it is set up: ![Cloud chamber diagram][4]*Alcohol is used here, since it evaporates and condenses much more readily than water. The dry ice at the base cools the lower section of the chamber, creating a temperature gradient within the chamber. The alcohol droplets will evaporate from the strips forming a fog (cloud) at the top, then condense as they hit the cool air, forming gentle rain droplets nearer the base. Here's a link to [more detailed instructions.][5]* Something in between these kind of set-ups is the closest you will come to re-creating 'real' clouds at home. They won't have the beauty of a towering cumulus over a mountain range (although some say there is beauty in cloud microphysical processes.) *Annecdote 1*: At the EGU 2014 Annual Conference in Vienna, the organisers [created a series of rooms][6] that you could walk through and experience being inside a cloud. *Annecdote 2*: Incidentally the first person to create a 'weather chamber' was [CTR Wilson][7], trying to reproduce the cloud formations he had seen on Ben Nevis in the Scottish Highlands. His invention actually led to the discovery of ionizing radiation. http://www-outreach.phy.cam.ac.uk/camphy/cloudchamber/cloudchamber_index.htm [1]: http://glossary.ametsoc.org/wiki/Meteorological_cloud_chamber [2]: http://data.cas.manchester.ac.uk/micc/micc.htm [3]: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AHome_Made_Cloud_Chamber.webm [4]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/SapZE.jpg [5]: http://www.amnh.org/education/resources/rfl/web/einsteinguide/activities/cloud.html [6]: https://twitter.com/samillingworth/status/461770646486523904/photo/1 [7]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Thomson_Rees_Wilson