考虑两个不同温度的天气系统从西部袭击安第斯山脉的情况:在太平洋上长途旅行后,我预计两个系统中的空气都是水饱和的(即相对湿度为100%)。然而,温暖的系统将携带更多的水,并将更多的水从山上落下(如果我在这一点上弄错了,请纠正我)。现在:**在同一海拔范围内降水会发生吗?或者在低海拔/高海拔开始发生?**最大降水点不变吗?**还是向上/向下迁移?如果需要特别的细节来回答这个问题,我现在将描述我主要感兴趣的区域,它对应于巴塔哥尼亚冰原,在南美洲南端,在南纬46°到51°之间,南北方向大约500公里。该区域对应于以下世界地图中的红框:[!这个区域的大小将使它处于中尺度气象学的上边界。然而,地形梯度在区域内可能会有相当大的变化。下面的图像显示了该地区从上面看的样子,左边是卫星图像(冰范围清晰),右边是地形:[!我对上述南北方向的高程模型进行了平均,得到了西风带从西方向撞击山脉时所面临的平均地形剖面(主要风来自W和NW方向之间)。 This is how it looks: [![enter image description here][3]][3] The red lines (40 km apart) indicate roughly the currently ice covered longitudinal band. To the west of it, liquid precipitation dominates and there is no permanent ice cover. To the east, there is very little precipitation (dry pampas) and therefore no ice cover either. The tree line in the area is usually between 400 and 600 m of elevation, represented by the green lines in the graph above. The mean wind speed ([from a 22 year average dataset][4]) when the winds hit the land is between 7 and 8 m/s (25-29 km/h), as show by the shading and contours in this figure: [![enter image description here][5]][5] From the same 22-year average dataset. The typical 10-meter air temperature on the ocean just before hitting the land is between 6 and 7 °C. [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/UAR2m.jpg [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Nd6EM.jpg [3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/eOCsf.png [4]: https://eosweb.larc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/sse/global.cgi [5]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/PkYLn.jpg