有很多如果与碳14测定有关的问题。两个关键问题:碳14日期不能用于任何年龄超过5万岁。碳14的半衰期约为5730年。这短的半衰期是非常有用的约会对象2万岁或更年轻。试图用碳14测定日期石油或煤炭?无用的。试图用碳14的约会对象由其他可靠的估计将有2.25亿岁?无用的。——样本可以污染原位,在收集过程中,或者在实验室里。这是特别的问题大概是老样本。试图用碳14测定样本2.25亿岁不能说怀疑对象是2.25亿岁。 It might however say the object is 33 thousand years old. The sample in question was in an easily contaminated sandstone deposit. It was beyond stupid to send that sample for carbon-14 dating. Young earth creationists know these points and know they are lying, but that doesn't stop them from doing so. Their religion is at stake.