我有宏观问题,与许多人询问和讨论这个话题。我的背景是在经济和金融,读一个很有趣的文章如果我没有记错的话10 - 15年前农民每周的智慧(约翰内斯堡金山大学)地理教授做了一项研究在-1905 +。大部分的文章与能源和用于云的形成和运动的能量从沿海到中部地区的南部非洲。能源当时我认为是一个“热点话题”电力是处于早期阶段。教授,其中,确定一个位置的赞比西河上赞比西河,丘比河流满足+从维多利亚瀑布上游-40公里,我想接近新建Kazungula桥吗?本质上的建议是建设一个14米高,可控堰,在洪水河流流量能够沿着古老的路线,填湖Liambezi,推迟到必须通过博泰蒂河河最终填充Makgadikgadi锅。这也会减轻他在莫桑比克洪水下游。建立一个14米高堰1公里宽使用人类和动物劳动120年前是一个巨大的挑战。与现代推土设备这样一个任务就像今天构建“大农场大坝”!我的问题和思考,这将补充的大规模“蒸发锅”是他们几个世纪以前,进而提高降雨尤其是冬季北开普,特别是博茨瓦纳在林波波省移动,并最终提高平均降雨量在整个南部非洲。 The thinking is that Lake Malawi and some of the lakes further north have large cloud formations late afternoons? I assume in the 1900's many studies were done on energy rather than Water supply, with a considerably lower world populations at that time and sufficient water per capita. Thus the building of the Cahora Basa dam and Lake Kariba for Hydro Electricity Today Climate change and its consequences are some of the biggest challenges facing Humanity, with water scarcity being the big factor in Sub-Sahara Africa. By Ultimately raising the Rainfall in the entire Southern Africa, through the managed and controlled filling and utilization of the Natural 30 000 - 60 000 square km of evaporation pans more regularly, will this not lower the extreme temperatures (day and night temperatures due to water absorbing much of the daytime heat and releasing it during the night) and drought patterns Southern Africa has experienced, and by all predictions are bound to worsen and could become more extreme? In effect, creating a second Okavango Delta, but considerably bigger - large parts of Chobe. A study of such a magnitude will need large amounts of research in multidisciplinary sciences, from Archaeology to Agriculture to Economics, and a much broader field of expertise - the biggest being Politics! Could such a mammoth project not be but one small answer to a much bigger Climate Change challenge facing the Earth? (and ultimately send a bit of rain to my little piece of land in the Waterberg in the long dry winter months when we receive those dry West Winds - and fires become a serious hazard - simply by adding a bit of moisture from the vast pans Botswana are so blessed with!) My mind has been going in circles as to the feasibility of such a mammoth, yet so cheap and easily implementable idea? Any ideas?