#臭氧保护我们通过吸收紫外线辐射所示(化学。SE回答][1],臭氧破坏的发病率在各种能量的紫外线辐射形成氧气,这本身是比较有效的阻挡紫外线辐射在其他能量。关键是这一事件紫外线辐射能量转移到反应产物以打破债券持有臭氧(或氧气)在一起。而不是保护我们免受紫外线,臭氧的唯一途径来保护我们免受全球变暖事件紫外线辐射反射回太空。这不是它。紫外线进入地球大气层,与臭氧呆在地球的大气层。因此,你的问题的前提是有缺陷的,当你说“如果臭氧层变小,更多的紫外线辐射进入地球上。”That is not true, because UV radiation that that enters the Earth will be absorbed by something, whether it is ozone or the rest of the atmosphere or the ground. #Global warming deals with infrared radiation Furthermore, 'global warming' is primarily concerned with radiation heading _outwards_ in the infrared band. IR radiation emitted from the ground is blocked by CO$_2$ in the atmosphere and prevented from escaping into space. So the effect of ozone on UV radiation will have little to no effect on 'global warming'. [1]: https://chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/35734/what-property-allows-ozone-to-absorb-uv-light