各种额外的问题:给定值等同于73°F的露点,难得找到有限的地区(主要是对夏天……主要为美国中西部平原/ /南)。空气和水含量下降明显,如果冷……50 f的露点只有7克/公斤,露点20 f是接近2 g /公斤。——你还提取水,已经有大量的自然水萃取(下雨的地形位置)……特别是那些热带temp /露点。(你可能最终被加热空气输入而不是更好,这可能使其不稳定,这样它将上升的?),然后空气旅行需要相当多的能量2.5公里…特别是2.5公里上坡。引力体育343年看起来像乔丹,如果做得非常缓慢(超过3小时)是32 kWhr每小时,在10英里每小时是570每小时kWhr。这是大约30 - 600(房屋价值)[1]。 You're talking 150-3000 400W solar panels worth and getting up near a [fullscale wind turbine][2] for the 10 mph throughput. Or in the range of \$20000-\$1.25 million (USD) to purchase the power each year, depending on [the location][2] and which speed you choose. [Someone feel free to check my math, please!!] And this is if your fans/heaters somehow had 100% efficiency. Perhaps you can benefit a bit by channeling the wind into the ramp (though if it's already blowing in the direction of your machine process, you aren't gaining anything except collecting the water. You might be able to different wind directions into your pipe to help at times.) - And if done at scale... there's also an extra concern... the resulting air downstream loses the moisture you took out... meaning spots where moisture is already scarcer [deserts and such] have even less... and may not be too happy... lawsuit? So unfortunately you're providing water where it usually isn't that needed, and have significant limitations of cost and efficiency if/when you would need to use the device. [1]: https://shrinkthatfootprint.com/average-household-electricity-consumption/ [2]: https://www.electricchoice.com/electricity-prices-by-state/