最近的熔岩流从当前在夏威夷基拉韦厄火山的喷发产生了大量的兴趣和关心财产。《今日美国》的新闻文章[慢动作夏威夷灾难熔岩临近主要道路][1],熔岩流的特性,造成了相当大的关注是变速的熔岩流:>“就像缓慢的折磨,”保罗说,谁拥有Pahoa黑岩咖啡馆。“加速,减速,加速,减速。它不像任何其他事件,…你可以往前走。”> > Predicting the future speed of the lava flow simply isn't possible, > geologists say, because the advance rate is extremely variable and > depends on how much lava the volcano produces. **What geological processes control the amount of lava produced, hence the lava flow speed from the Kilauea volcano?** Additionally, are there other processes that control the lava flow speed (asides from topography)? [1]: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/10/30/hawaii-lava-flow/18196311/