#全面气候模型大气气候模拟,提出了政府间气候变化专门委员会报告是由非常大而复杂的模型。运行这些模型需要一个超级计算机“* *”(高性能集群)。此外,某些“*强迫数据*”和“* *”边界条件是必要的。边界条件的大气和地表/海洋。部分、大气海洋气候模型模拟直接耦合模型模拟。这使得模型更大,更难安装/运行。“强迫数据”意味着认为有限公司<子> 2 < /订阅>排放,排放的颗粒物,太阳辐射……已经说过:这是很不现实的设置和运行一个“真正的”气候模型只是为了好玩。#进一步阅读最近的气候建模活动*两模型的仿真结果相互比较项目*(生产商)形式IPCC报告的基础。生产商阶段6 (CMIP6)模拟形式最近的IPCC报告的基础。 There is an overview paper of CMIP6 which might indicate how large the overhead for running "real" climate models in a comparable way is [(Eyring et al., 2016)](https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-9-1937-2016). One of the models that were used for the CMIP5 and CMIP6 simuations was the MPI-ESM model. An overview of this model is given in [Giorgette et al. (2013)](https://doi.org/10.1002/jame.20038). Detailed descriptions are available in this [special issue](http://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/hub/issue/10.1002/(ISSN)1942-2466.MPIESM1/). There are several more models used in CMIP5 and CMIP6. The MPI-ESM is just an example. # Climate models made for training There are some simple climate models that are made for students and which are based on a few governing equations. Seems models show the general features of climate models but can be run on a normal end-user computer. One of these models is the "Monash simple climate model". An instance of that model which can be run via a web-GUI is available [here](http://mscm.dkrz.de/overview_i18n.html?locale=EN). There is a [documentation available](http://mscm.dkrz.de/GREB_model.html?locale=EN) in which you will find links to a publication describing the model and to a repository to download the source code. There is another climate model made for training which is called [Planet Simulator](https://www.mi.uni-hamburg.de/en/arbeitsgruppen/theoretische-meteorologie/modelle/plasim.html). Download details and documentation are offered on that web page.