下面是一张照片,我的儿子在苏格兰显示太阳和月亮同时。我立刻注意到这个异常光照亮月球不可能来自太阳。我发送照片到4大学天文学部门和剑桥大学只有一个反应,这是我住的地方附近。响应来自部门的图书管理员(不是一个天文学家)他说他以前从未听说过这个。他给了我两个可能的解决方案,一个是来自一名工程师(不是一个天文学家)他有困惑之间的角度和光线跟踪和其他指的是爱因斯坦的引力光线弯曲。我看看爱因斯坦,效果太小了,几乎是不可估量的。[![在这里输入图像描述][1]][1]我看着各种复杂的解释什么对我来说是一个非常简单的模型。有什么需要引入“弯曲的飞机”和“星空穹顶”所有这一切不存在在现实中?只有被称为一个“幻想”,因为观察因此不适合传统的模型复杂的解释,试图使它工作。 The anomaly is acknowledged to exist with or without photos. Since everyone believes that the moon is illuminated by the sun then simple normal physics do not seem to work. Either the physics is wrong or the sun does not illuminate the moon. I realise that is a heavy statement! Therefore I state once again: 1. The sun and the moon are two objects (like a torch and a football) that are suspended in a 3 dimensional space and size should not matter. 2. The moon/football are illuminated by the sun/torch and a perpendicular line or light ray can be drawn between them. 3. It doesn't matter where in space you choose to view them, a perpendicular line or light ray can still be drawn between them. I created a new drawing at this link https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h2wigqq7ac6n5va/AACDr-2HWCkDQNK941uHG_Haa?dl=0 I'm very surprised that some of you have never noticed it before hence the suggestion asking me to post a video. This is a very common occurrence and I have seen it many many times as I go for my morning walk at about 8.00am every morning. I have never thought of actually tabulating my observations. [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/elFma.jpg