大问题。没有足够的数据分辨率。有地质时期认为经历了更高的侵蚀率的基础上丰富的沉积相,如在三叠纪。有你想要的全球视角,作者需要一个连贯的,全球范围内,具有统计代表性的过去的侵蚀或沉降的措施,这对于每一个地质时期,但侵蚀和沉积需要数年时间来确定一个特定的地点和特定的时期;差距是巨大的。唯一的大致量化在全球范围内是Miocene-Pliocene-Quaternary时期。甚至有非常开放的讨论。下面的研究表明,* *侵蚀率增加了在过去的4 - 6数百万年* *。第一个是基于一个编译的三角洲沉积率:>,P。Molnar, P。&,w . r .增加沉积率和粒径2 - 4 >最高产量研究前由于气候变化的影响>侵蚀率。 Nature 410, 891–897 (2001). The second uses thermochronology, mostly Apatite Fission Track analyses: > Herman F, Seward D, Valla PG, Carter A, Kohn B,Willett SD, Ehlers TA. > 2014. Worldwide acceleration of mountain erosion under a cooling climate. Nature 504: 423–426. DOI: 10.1038/nature12877 Both interpret the acceleration of erosion as a result of the changes in Earth's climate during that period: initiation of the glacial interglacial cycle in the northern hemisphere. Due to the gaps in the geological outcrop record, and to our limited capacity of dating sediments, my bet is that it will take decades at least to have a reliable graph like the one you aim at. Hope this helps.