我不会说“几乎没有”在欧洲,但全球石油的分布是不均匀的。原因是石油系统需要一个收敛的条件相对少见。首先,评论不相称的政治地图为此说到了点子上。[这美国地质调查局地图][1]全球石油系统,和non-petroleum-rich盆地,要好得多——除了它倔强地省略了美国捐赠基金:![世界石油系统][2]这些石油系统的本质上是现代或古代沉积盆地与特定的组合功能。我将把以前回答关于特定区域:[为什么没有碳氢化合物Sveconorwegian带?)(//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/2811/why-would-there-be-no-hydrocarbons-in-the-sveconorwegian-belt/2819 # 2819)套用,self-plagiarizing,这里就是你需要一个碳氢化合物(石油和天然气)积累:>——(干酪根)[3]丰富的烃源岩,“熟”热成熟度。所以你需要大量的有机物质,掩埋,和时间。>——迁移路径从源捕获配置,和时间发生。>——一个结构或地层圈闭,如一个背斜,填充以来保存它的地质条件。>——储集岩多孔透水岩石。通常这是一种沉积岩(如砂岩、中有很多沙特!)。 > > Only 'conventional' hydrocarbon deposits, such as you might find in > the North Sea, Saudi Arabia, or the Gulf of Mexico, need all these > conditions. 'Shale gas' is basically just a mature source rock — we > can extract hydrocarbons from it by fracking, for example. So the map of global petroleum resources is a map of places where these criteria converge. Certain deltas are prolific (Mississippi, Niger), because you have rapid burial of sand and organic material. In other places, one or more of the conditions has not been met. Much of Canada, for example, is exposed basement granite: none of the components are there. The unevenness is exacerbated by [the Pareto distribution][4] of system productivity — as with most natural things, we have a few giants, and a long tail. So [the WCSB][5] and Saudi stick out as anomalous, making the distribution even more 'lumpy'. [1]: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b3/World_petroleum_systems.png/1280px-World_petroleum_systems.png [2]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/epJ9z.png [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerogen [4]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_distribution [5]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Canadian_Sedimentary_Basin