沿海模型的边界常常被迫使用水位信息(或者,一般较少,速度)预测潮汐成分的数据库。这些数据库可能是全球或地区,通常他们提供一个网格点的选民可以在任何一个点。下面列出的产品都是由全球潮流模型根据卫星测高。所有将水位,有些也会给泥沙速度。对于任何全球潮流模型,在应用时仍应小心在沿海和/或浅水区域,因为它们不太可能有决议(深度测量法或计算网格)解决沿海的影响。奥蒂斯- - -一个源的输出是俄勒冈州立大学的潮汐反演软件(OTIS)。俄勒冈州立大学举办许多不同的数据集,可以从[这个页面][1],连同所需的软件提取成分在FORTRAN或MATLAB。全球和区域电网都是可用的。这里的数据是根据TOPEX /波塞冬卫星测高,结合通过数据同化技术和全球潮汐模型和一个基本的,在某些情况下,沿海验潮仪。各种网格有不同的分辨率和不同数量的潮汐成分。 DTU10 ---- Another source is the [DTU10 model][2] from the Technical University of Denmark. This information is produced from a global tidal model combined with TOPEX/POSEIDON data and also Jason-1 and Jason-2 satellite altimetry. The model is described in a poster [here][3]. This model has a resolution of ${\frac{1}{8}}^{\circ}$ and includes twelve tidal constituents. Use of it is likely to be widespread in industry because it is included in the commercial modelling package [MIKE by DHI][4]. FES2012 --- The newest dataset listed here is [FES2012][5]. More satellite data was used in its building than the other two models listed, and an improved model was used. The authors claim especially good performance in coastal and shelf regions. Data are available on a ${\frac{1}{16}}^{\circ}$ grid with 32 tidal constituents. NB: this description is based on the linked web page. I have not personally used this dataset yet. Regional databases --- In order to minimize the effect of applying a global tide model solution to coastal and/or shallow water regions, regional tidal databases are available. Some examples are: - As mentioned above, [OTIS][1] provides a number of regional databases around the world with varying resolution (from 1/12 to 1/60 degrees). - [ADCIRC][6] tidal databases: One encompasses the Western North Atlantic, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico (up to 60W); and another one the Eastern Pacific (from Alaska to Mexico). - Many examples of local tidal model simulations are available for many specific locations, but the solutions are rarely available online. Other sources of boundary data --- All of the above data sources provide surface elevations from models. In the near future it may become feasible to produce velocity boundary conditions from [land-based radar measurements][7] of surface velocities in some areas. [1]: http://volkov.oce.orst.edu/tides/ [2]: http://www.space.dtu.dk/English/Research/Scientific_data_and_models/Global_Ocean_Tide_Model.aspx [3]: http://www.space.dtu.dk/english/~/media/Institutter/Space/English/scientific_data_and_models/global_ocean_tide_model/yongcuncheng_no_sv_1_68_45.ashx [4]: http://www.mikebydhi.com/ [5]: http://www.aviso.oceanobs.com/en/data/products/auxiliary-products/global-tide-fes.html [6]: http://adcirc.org/products/adcirc-tidal-databases/ [7]: http://www.thebrahanproject.com/