让我们摆脱红鲱鱼的维基百科页面链接的问题!* * * * * *马蹄湖,亚利桑那州,是一个由马蹄大坝的水库。与实际的马蹄湖。其他湖泊的上市可能是真正的马蹄湖,但是没有航拍照片。一般来说,马蹄湖泊(牛轭湖)[1]>一个u型湖形成广泛的曲流河时切断,创建一个独立的。格兰德河留下的牛轭在德克萨斯州南部,被称为[暴风浪][2]。在澳大利亚,牛轭湖被称为[池沼][3]。暴风浪是一个>前的格兰德河渠道和自然切断从河里,没有进口或出口> >格兰德河的水流从科罗拉多到墨西哥湾。每年在春季,雪水流入格兰德河,将季节性洪水最南端的德克萨斯州。[3]鉴于河的溢出的主要和分流河道银行,格兰德河将雕刻新的河道,暴风浪。当季节性洪水结束,这条河退却,新成立的牛轭湖,创建暴风浪都在里奥格兰德山谷走一圈。 In Australia, billaongs are > an isolated pond left behind after a river changes course.[1] Billabongs are usually formed when the path of a creek or river changes, leaving the former branch with a dead end. As a result of the arid Australian climate in which these "dead rivers" are often found, billabongs fill with water seasonally but can be dry for a greater part of the year. > > Billabongs were significant because they held water longer than parts of rivers; it was important for people to identify and name these areas. In general, > An oxbow lake forms when a river creates a meander, due to the river's eroding bank. After a long period of time, the meander becomes very curved, and eventually the neck of the meander becomes narrower and the river cuts through the neck, cutting off the meander and forming an oxbow lake. > > When a river reaches a low-lying plain, often in its final course to the sea or a lake, it meanders widely. In the vicinity of a river bend, deposition occurs on the convex bank (the bank with the smaller radius). In contrast, both lateral erosion and undercutting occur on the cut bank or concave bank (the bank with the greater radius). Continuous deposition on the convex bank and erosion of the concave bank of a meandering river cause the formation of a very pronounced meander with two concave banks getting closer. The narrow neck of land between the two neighboring concave banks is finally cut through, either by lateral erosion of the two concave banks or by the strong currents of a flood. When this happens a new, straighter river channel develops—and an abandoned meander loop, called a cutoff, forms. When deposition finally seals off the cutoff from the river channel, an oxbow lake forms. This process can occur over a time from a few years to several decades, and may sometimes become essentially static. The naming of oxbow lakes as horseshoe lakes makes just American terminology. When such lakes were being "discovered" and "chartered" most people would have known about horseshoes, but maybe not oxbows so they got named after what they knew. Oxbow lakes do exist elsewhere, they're just not named as horseshoe lakes. The Kanwar Lake Bird Sanctuary in India is one of the largest oxbow lakes in Asia. In the United Kingdom they also occur in the Gower Peninsular of southwest Wales and there is also the Bole and Burton Round in Nottinghamshire. Celestially, there has also been a possible oxbow lake postulated in Saraswati Flumen near [Ontario Lacus][4] on Saturn's moon Titan [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxbow_lake [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resaca_(channel) [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billabong [4]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontario_Lacus