得到一本关于采掘冶金。一件事给我的印象是“原语”是非常复杂的。他们的技术也被许多人发江南登录网址app下载展了一代又一代。我认为从铜像古人那样将是一个好主意。铁更为常见,但钢需要大约2900 F。铸铁,只有大约2200 F,但你只能让脆弱的铸件。从铸铁钢需要采掘冶金、历史的时间和工作。尽管矿石是非常罕见的,锡/锡将更容易处理。如果你有铜、青铜。至于锡的稀缺性,记住人从地中海到康沃尔郡锡了数千年。 Maybe just get some scrap steel , heat it up and play blacksmith; see if you can figure out how to heat-treat it. When reading this, I see I was not clear; Steel making is three difficult, laborious steps ; 1- make pig iron, 2- make it into steel, 3- heat-treat the steel to useful properties. The third step is not as difficult as the other two . For copper, you smelt it and you have copper ready to make into a useful shape.