*蛇形丘*冰水的存款从泥沙携带冰川下的隧道。水走出隧道的th以冰盖和冰川会慢下来。由于泥沙运动速度取决于水沉积物沉积。结果是一个高度本地化的沉积。当冰川撤退点出现的水当然会改变fo冰川边缘。因此,沉积会逐步沉淀积累进一步上游离开一条狭窄的小径。更有时会说,但结果是数百公里长的山脊扩展几乎垂直于过去冰川边缘,th ewater流的方式在冰川的边缘。块菌子实体块是由材料形成的圆丘般的地形transprted了冰川融水。小丘的原因是,当沉积物沉积,大块的冰被沉积物和当这片冰融化了丘地形形成。这里关键是沉积物的沉积泥沙运输将无法形成不规则的圆丘般的地形作为主要特性,保险公司有其他的过程。 Kames are therefore usually an areally extensive landform that does not necessarily have a preferred extension. As with eskers the origin of the water and sediment is the same, the base of the glacier. Finally, drumlins. These forms are elongated landforms, in the direction of ice flow, often of km length, width of a few hundred m and a height of tens of m. This varies a lot though. These forms are not formed by running water and sediment trnsport but formed beneath the ice. In the literature they have been described as both depositional and erisional landforms, although a depositional formation seems to be most common. They seem to consist of whatever material is present beneath the ice but because the most common sedimentbenaeth glaciers is till this i salso what most drumlins consist of. So eskers and eskers have som relationship in the origin of the sediment that make them up. Drumlins are of completely different processes. Much more could be said and all details are not completely understood when it comes to many glacial landforms and their formation.