月球的一个很好的估计烟消云散,海洋潮汐能是2.5太瓦([芒克,1997][1];(Le教务长&灰白色的,1997)[2])。价值估计主要来自两个不同的来源:从谐波计算和使用卫星观测测高法估计(例如,[Topex /波塞冬][3])。输入的能量进入沿海海洋不是制服,峰值在南大西洋,而底摩擦的能量消散在沿海海洋和主要在北大西洋((Le教务长&灰白色的,1997)[2])。[埃格伯特&雷(2000)][4]表明,耗散的一小部分(1 TW)发生在深海地区,一般粗糙地形区域的附近。维护海洋分层和大规模的温盐环流(俗称“传送带”)需要大约TW提供足够的混合([芒克&温斯迟,1998][5])。因此,潮汐与另一半提供大约一半的能源来自风强迫。[![埃格伯特&雷,自然,2000][6]][6]来源:性质:埃格伯特&雷,2000。潮汐能量耗散的估计。 The repercussion of this fact are given by [Wunsch (2000)][7]: > ...it was only recently recognized that the need for an energy source to sustain the vertical mixing (lifting dense water through lighter) has important consequences. The difficulties of driving fluid motions by surface heating and evaporation mean that a mechanical source of energy must control not only the directly wind-driven flows, but also the deep-water components of the meridional overturning circulation. > > ... changes in tidal distributions and the consequent mixing would need to be understood over geological time. During the Last Glacial Maximum, the sea level was about 130 metres lower than today. This configuration removed much of the present regions of shallow-water energy dissipation and changed the deep-ocean tides, presumably affecting oceanic heat transport. Over longer periods in the past, the entire continental configuration was different, with radically different tidal distributions and mixing. It appears that the tides are, surprisingly, an intricate part of the story of climate change, as is the history of the lunar orbit. [1]: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0079661197000219?via%3Dihub [2]: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0079661197000220 [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TOPEX/Poseidon [4]: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v405/n6788/full/405775a0.html [5]: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0967063798000703?via%3Dihub [6]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/R7ytb.jpg [7]: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v405/n6788/full/405743a0.html