史蒂文斯的峡谷路(圣克鲁斯山)(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Cruz_Mountains)(在加州库比蒂诺市)经过旁边一块巨大的岩层,未经训练的眼睛,让我想起了在石灰岩洞穴。这里有一些照片我拍我:![的顶部形成][1]!(完整的形成)[2]![上方的岩层][3]![向底座][4]这是正确的道路;你可以看到其他照片(在Google Maps) (https://www.google.com/maps/@37.2727724 -122.0819249、3、62.3 y, 155.89 h, 101.39吨/ data = ! 3 m6 ! 1 e1 ! 3 m4 ! 1 sfmvkgglaifl9vzq6aahhcq ! 2 e0 ! 7 i16384 ! 8 i8192)。岩石表面通常有滴水的声音,甚至在夏天当否则干附近的小溪,在起涟漪的山脊,让我想起一些石灰岩洞穴里我参观了。这个地方是正确的在路上的一个弯,没有标记指示它是什么。我现在想-基于完全没有专业知识是弹簧的顶部岩石表面的慢慢滴,慢慢沉淀碳酸钙的土地。山上有一群老石灰岩窑(和一个活跃的水泥厂,至少有一个活跃的采石场),所以看起来至少有点似是而非的,雨水溶解矿物质和沉淀了。地质,任何猜测什么是怎么回事?这种形成的名称吗?* * * *更新:基于评论,这看起来像石灰华,我爬上顶端的形成。 I found a small cave carved into a rock just above it that had a steady drip of water coming down. The water was cold and clearly had a bunch of red minerals dissolved in it. (Sorry about the quality - it was getting dark) ![A cave!][5] There was a clear path the water from there was taking that produced the drip over the surface: ![The path the water takes][6] And finally, I noticed some largish rocks pushed off to the side of the road. They look like this: ![Rocks near the side][7] I noticed that the rocks near the water path up top look a lot like these, and these look a lot like random pictures of travertine that I've been Googling for. So based on this, I'm going to make the educated guess that I'm looking at travertine that's deposited on the surface of the rock. I don't think there are any nearby hot springs, but maybe this is simply water flowing through the limestone in the rock above, dissolving the minerals, and slowly depositing them on the surface? *I see that questions of the form "identify this rock" are off-topic here, and I'm not sure if this counts. If so, let me know where else I should ask this.* [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/LsJpW.jpg [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/uPhv5.jpg [3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/aBSsp.jpg [4]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Wb3G4.jpg [5]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Yxefl.jpg [6]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/g65F7.jpg [7]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/2fhgh.jpg