这是一个组合的点1、2和4。# #船船可以提供观察,但是他们通常局限于航道,而不是分布在海洋。NOAA运营着一个志愿者观察项目,你可以找到[这里最近的船观察][1]。船只可以报告位置、风向、风速、压力、压力趋势,气温、水温、露点、波信息和一些其他领域。不是所有船舶报告的所有数据,但压力通常是由所有船只参与报道。#浮标NOAA运营着一个[全球浮标网络][2]尽管这些通常位于沿海地区。有地区定期间隔的浮标ENSO地区。也有一些浮标在印度洋(不是图)。[![在这里输入图像描述][3]][4]# #漂流者留下大片的海洋浮标网络监控和让这些观察NOAA使用[流浪者网络][5],顾名思义,沿着海面漂移。 [![enter image description here][6]][7] The blue points in the map above are drifters than can report sea level pressure. ## Summary Weather models that assimilate these observations will use sophisticated algorithms to "fill in the gaps" and produce a continuous field of global sea level pressure. Aircraft can report pressure, but knowing pressure at altitude won't yield sea level pressure without knowing (or making assumptions) about the state of the atmosphere between the airplane and the surface. Upper air observations are good though, and quite important to forecasting and generally much more sparse than ocean surface observations are. [1]: http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/ship_obs.php [2]: http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/ [3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/xjM8Y.png [4]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/xjM8Y.png [5]: http://www.oco.noaa.gov/surfaceDriftingBuoys.html [6]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/TnP5Z.gif [7]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/TnP5Z.gif