公司_2美元不明显与太阳辐射,紫外线,不存储任何大量的热量。什么公司_2有效美元是地球红外辐射的散射。让我来解释一下:所有对象发出一种辐射称为黑体辐射[1]。和颜色(波长)和权力的辐射对温度的依赖关系。这种辐射就会很明显的眼睛只有在温度高达500°C,当东西开始发光,如琥珀,炉子的加热元件,白炽灯的灯丝,或者太阳本身。然而,这种辐射发射也冷的物体,随着人体,海洋和冰川和冰块。但是我们不能看到,辐射,因为非常微弱,主要由红外辐射,眼睛是看不见的。然而它可以检测到摄像头,这就是为什么军事和监测热红外摄像头能够看到在夜间,因为他们看到人体发出的辐射。下面一个例子:[![在这里输入图像描述][2]][2][图片[Videoblocks][3]]的有趣的事实记住,是,地球在热平衡(平均气温稳定或变化非常缓慢),* *地球发出的红外辐射的数量必须相等数量的来自太阳的辐射接收* *,所以很多! The effect of CO$_2$ -------------------- Now, the effect of CO$_2$ is not to store any energy, it just blindly absorb and re-emit infrared radiation (foot note 1), there is no significant storage. The key point is that most of the infrared radiation it absorbs comes from the surface, and then it re-emits it in a random direction. As consequence of this, half of the radiation that was escaping to space is sent back to the surface, and that's the origin of the warming effect of CO$_2$. So the effect of CO$_2$ is similar to that of a survival blanket like this one: [![enter image description here][4]][4] [image from [Aliexpress\]][5] This blankets don't produce or store heat, they are not good insulators either. They just reflect back some of the infrared radiation that is leaving the body, effectively keeping it warmer. That's the same effect of greenhouse gases. Let's imagine an atmosphere with no greenhouse gases. The radiation balance would look like this: [![enter image description here][6]][6] In this case the equilibrium temperature of Earth would be that on which the outgoing energy is equal to the incoming energy. That equilibrium would happen when the Earth's surface is at -18 °C, because at that temperature (according to [Stefan-Boltzmann law][7] that say that emitted energy $=\sigma T^4$), in average, the black body radiation of Earth's (working day and night) would be powerful enough to equal the amount of energy we receive from the Sun during the day. So in this scenario Earth's mean temperature would be a freezing -18°C. But thankfully we have greenhouse gases, and the actual radiation balance of Earth looks more like this: [![enter image description here][8]][8] Here, half of the energy radiated by the surface is sent back to the surface by greenhouse gases (as a survival blanket does). This effect (greenhouse effect) warms up the surface. And it will warm the surface up until it emits enough energy such that the half of it that can actually escape to space is enough to equal the incoming radiation and reestablish the balance. Does that make sense? In this simplified scenario that balance would happen at a nice and warm 30°C. Now, if we have too much geenhouse gases, this heating effect will overshoot and we will be too hot. That's what have people worried about: we are putting too many "blankets" on Earth. Foot notes 1.- As a Chemist you might be interested that this infrared absorption capacity is related to the asymmetry of the CO$_2$ molecule and it's associated vibrational modes). [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: