> * * /牛津字典的地球科学* *:海山是孤立的,海底江南体育网页版山上升超过1000以上>海底。锋利的,冠峰会的海山通常> 1000 - 2000米在海洋表面以下。海山是火山的起源。- - - - - - - - - - - > * *[每kaberett][1]: * *避免分类海岭任意海平面表面水(取决于可用性),关键是>那山火山起源的特性在> 1000米海洋地壳上升。- - - - - - - - - - - > * *[/维基百科][2]:* *海底山是山从海洋海底不达到水面(海平面),因此>不是一个岛。- - - - - - - - - - - >(每牛津字典:* * * *)[3]潜艇意味着“现有的发生,>,或使用的表面下大海。”------------ > **Per NOAA:** A seamount is an underwater mountain on the seafloor. **Are all seamounts below the water, or do they include formations that rise above the water?** ---------- **UPDATE:** Atolls and the resulting coral, sand, etc. not within the scope of defining what a seamounts include formations that rise above the water; meaning atolls are atolls. [1]: //www.hoelymoley.com/a/835/284 [2]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seamount [3]: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/submarine?q=submarine