额外的水并不意味着额外的水蒸气。即使没有这些额外的水,水蒸气含量会增加,在当前的全球变暖。随着温度上升,使水变成蒸汽。>随着温度上升,蒸发增加大气中的水蒸气积累。作为一种温室气体,水会吸收更多的热量,进一步变暖的空气,导致更多的蒸发。当公司<子> 2 < /订阅>添加到大气中,作为温室气体温室效应。这将导致更多的水蒸发和温暖的空气向更高,稳定水平。所以的变暖有限公司<子> 2 < /订阅>有放大效应。水蒸气是气候系统事实上最大的正反馈(Soden 2005)。-[怀疑科学][1]强化水循环的因此,温度上升是一个产品,而不是水分。 Of course we need water to evaporate, but the increase in the water content doesn't correlate to increased water vapor. It might play some role locally in small ponds and seasonal rivers which get dry during summers, but on a global scale with most of our evaporation occurring over oceans (86% of global evaporation), its not significant enough. So coming to your question. First of all its not like water vapor is never mentioned - > As global temperatures rise, the atmosphere then holds more moisture ... Therefore there is more water vapor available to fall as rain, snow. - [thinkprogress.org][2] - September 5 > > Global warming is moistening the atmosphere - [The Guardian][3] - August 13 And if you notice, all the recent [news about melting glaciers][4] has been in connected to some recent developments and observations in form of published papers at reputed journals. NASA even conducted a [press conference][5] explaining their latest research, which led to a series of news articles on the topic. So, i'm quite sure if there are some significant developments in terms of water vapor research, it will make the news as well. [1]: http://www.skepticalscience.com/water-vapor-greenhouse-gas-intermediate.htm [2]: http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2014/09/05/3563674/kashmir-flooding/ [3]: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2014/aug/13/global-warming-moistening-the-atmosphere [4]: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/12/us-climatechange-antarctica-idUSKBN0DS1IH20140512 [5]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hM7YOmyo2wg