好问题。这些特性是中尺度漩涡和它们类似于飓风在大气中。他们是海洋的高或低压力系统和不稳定的结果。与毁灭性的飓风,海洋运输的漩涡是重要的物理过程热量和颗粒物。他们激起海洋深度拟定从低营养和施肥水传播。他们是重要的海洋生物在海上运输的浮游植物和浮游动物的生产方向和支持。在塔斯曼海,这一地区被称为“艾迪大道”,这说明其普遍性和持久性。在埃弗雷特(2012)他们发现漩涡在15美元3万年。>……密度的气旋和反气旋涡流/ 63 10000 61 >公里^ 2美元。 On any given day there are 16.8 cyclonic and 17.8 anticyclonic > eddies within the Tasman Sea. Tasman Sea eddies are typically smaller > than the global average ($82$ km radii compared with $86$ km), have a > faster rotational speed ($23$ cm s$^{-1}$ compared with $15–16$ cm > s$^{-1}$) and have a larger Sea Level Anomaly($10$ cm compared with > $6–7$ cm) (Table 1). Generation: > “When the current separates from the coast, it gets complicated. It > starts to wobble; it meanders. Rather than going in a relatively > straight path like the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic, it walks > like a drunk man.” Not only does the EAC wobble, it U-turns. [...] The EAC is a bit anomalous.” About two-thirds of the current retroflects back up into > the eastern Pacific, breaking up the EAC further. “It really is a > current of eddies.” Such instabilities saturate Eddy Avenue with > eddies. As far as the El-Niño connection, I can only speculate. But generally, El-Niño will give rise to positive SST anomalies. The figure below shows recent positive SST anomalies which are relatively strong near the coast. Because ocean temperatures are higher ocean eddies can increase in size and strength. [![enter image description here][1]][1] **References** [Everett, J. D., M. E. Baird, P. R. Oke, and I. M. Suthers. 2012. An avenue of eddies: Quantifying the biophysical properties of mesoscale eddies in the Tasman Sea. Geophysical Research Letters 39, L16608, doi:10.1029/2012GL053091.][2] [1]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/2ZryR.png [2]: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=