最近,我在网上做了很多关于目前正在使用的各种海水淡化过程的研究,这使我开始研究山区天气和地形效应(或地形抬升)。在研究山区天气的过程中,我突然想到,是否可以通过将温暖潮湿的沿海空气通过管道输送到沿海山脉的顶部,从而创造出一种人工制造的地形效应,从而产生大量的淡水。地形效果:[!然后,我使用MS Paint制作了一个关于如何做到这一点的概念图:[!由于金属管道的温度会随着它上升到沿海山区而下降,与这种较冷的金属接触会导致泵送空气中的水蒸气凝结在管道内壁上并形成水滴。然后这些水滴会被重力拉下来,落入通向储水箱的管道中。如果一个空气抽气站不能产生足够的气压将空气一路推到山上,那么也许可以在山顶附近部署另一个空气抽气站,以协助通过管道向上输送空气。这些空气泵厂可能需要有一个大容量的工业离心鼓风机,就像Elektror Airsystems建造的图:[!参考:https://www.elektror.com/en/products/industrial-blowers/large-volume-fans/我既不是气候学家也不是科学家,所以我真的不知道这样能生产多少淡水。我在找地球科学系的人。江南体育网页版SE to give me just a ballpark figure of how much water may be produced by this process. Say that this pipeline is 2.5 meters in diameter, the top of the mountain is 2500 meters high, the air temperature at the top of the mountain is 280 Kelvin, the coastal air temperature is 302 Kelvin, and the coastal air humidity is at 70%. How much fresh water could be produced by pumping warm humid air through a pipeline up to the top of a mountain? **EDIT** I am thinking now that a better design would be to use a pipe-within-a pipe design. This new design eliminates building an additional air pumping plant near the summit of the mountain. In the air pumping station by the coast, one fan would blow warm, humid air up through the pipe that is embedded within the larger pipe, while another fan in the plant suctions down the cold air up at the summit through the larger pipe. So, the embedded pipe will have cold air surrounding it along its entire length up the mountainside. This constant stream of cold air should sharply lower the temperature of the embedded pipe, which should increase the amount of water vapor condensing on the embedded pipe's internal surface. Also, the embedded pipe would be about 10 feet longer than the larger pipe up at the summit so the exiting air from the embedded pipe is not pulled into the opening of the larger pipe. [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/ZwC3g.jpg [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/mxp31.png [3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/5VEg2.jpg