您正在寻找的解决方案被称为“地下水人工补给”或“有管理的地下储存的可采水”,在其他几个名字。几种不同的技术已经发展在过去,适用哪一个强烈取决于当地情况的细节。不久我将描述最常用的技术,并链接到两个免费的电子书,你可以查找所有的细节规划系统:* * *流域管理。* *这意味着自然补给的增强的含水层和涉及到修改当地河流的流域的大部分地区。你可以考虑永久培养设计技术(洼地,keyline耕作和池塘)合适的技术。这通常是最适合的技术,因为它还帮助在当地农场水资源管理和防止土壤侵蚀和其他径流水的影响。* * *表面扩散。* *这包括充电盆地,修改后的河床,坑和轴等。这个想法是为了提高渗透到地面的表面积雨水。维护通常包括斜充电盆地的底部,防止堵塞粘土颗粒和其他罚款。加,这只能充电到含水层没有防水层之上,并要求大的土地。 But where this is possible, it is often the cheapest option. * **Vadose zone wells.** Also called recharge wells. Dry borehole wells or specifically drilled wells are used to recharge the aquifer. This can work with aquifers that have waterproof layers above them, but the main problem is clogging by fine particles over time, which cannot be effectively reversed. Overall, quite an expensive technique. * **Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) wells.** Borehole wells that are designed both for recharge of the aquifer and recovery of water from the same well. **Relevant open access literature for further instructions:** 1. **[Prospects for Managed Underground Storage of Recoverable Water][1]**. Published by National Research Council. 2008. 351 pages. 2. **[Source Book of Alternative Technologies for Freshwater Augmentation in Latin America and the Caribbean][2]**. Published by Unit of Sustainable Development and Environment, General Secretariat, Organization of American States. 1997. Here relevant: chapter "[1.9 Artificial recharge of aquifers][3]". [1]: https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/12057/prospects-for-managed-underground-storage-of-recoverable-water [2]: http://www.oas.org/usde/publications/Unit/oea59e/begin.htm [3]: http://www.oas.org/usde/publications/Unit/oea59e/ch18.htm#1.9%20artificial%20recharge%20of%20aquifers