1。去一个好的地质博物馆,花时间。唉,许多这样的博物馆低能,不像以前的信息(在肯辛顿,伦敦自然历史博物馆——我写关于你的!)。2。与当地但/地质俱乐部去徒步旅行。总有地质学家试图打动他们的知识。3所示。地质复杂地区的地图,和探索。4所示。做一个地质学课程。 Books, even with good illustrations, usually fail; to point out the salient features and variability. Do not expect to learn it all. I have been a geologist for more than 40 years, and have checked out the geology in about 45 countries. I'm still learning! There is always something new to see.