Gemechu芬达Garuma评论说,IPCC评估报告(在写作时间,[AR5][1]是最新的)和(专题报告)[2]是最好的为您提供一个全面的总结的科学,因为它是一个小数量的年前。温室气体的浓度稳定,civilisation-friendly,范围300 - 350 ppm二氧化碳一样有用的一系列我们可能得到现在——[350当珊瑚白化开始成为一个严重的问题)[3],和破坏海洋生态系统是一个威胁着人类文明的捷径,所以我们应该避免这样做。和甲烷,说1000 - 1300磅左右。这不是一个问题,“回到一年”。我们不需要一个时间机器,我们不需要风* *发生的一切。我不希望回到1980年,例如,我不知道为什么别人会(我在那里,它在很大程度上是垃圾)。* *这不是关于毁灭几十年的人类进步。* *我们需要做的是保持大气中温室气体的浓度水平,使人类寿命的时间尺度气候相当稳定,这样我们避免对人类文明巨大的破坏和潜在的威胁。我们开始做,当这个科学家第一次被标记为一个主要问题在1970年代,我们会做它更便宜,更快,更少的间接伤害。(就像古老的谚语:一盎司的预防胜过治疗为辅; and a stitch in time saves nine) [We have already caused some climate change.][4] It will take 30 years for the full effects of what we've done to date, to show up. We may already have caused trillions of pounds of damage to our natural capital - but we'll only know the full scale of the damage when it's far too late. Theoretically, we could avoid some of that damage in the next 30 years by putting the global economy to work to tackle the problem seriously. However, the political will just isn't there. Most of the people who'll suffer the worst of the damage are too young to vote, or haven't been born yet. Most of the people with the ability to do something about it (voters, politicians, business leaders) will be dead before the worst of the damage hits. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: