像迈克尔,我发现你的问题有点不清楚,但似乎是问题的症结所在:>…科学有结论(一个标本)只是一块石头,因为从地球矿物成分完全是吗?答案是一个没有* *的* *。有很多non-rocks,他们中的许多人(所谓)制造的情报被称为“智人”。当然是没有规则的地质,你必须考虑这种可能性排除在识别岩石时,无论它的成分。毕竟,我们完全有能力生产文物从地球矿物质。事实上,当确定一个标本,你* *考虑的可能性,它是一个产品的情报:许多热情的业余最终收集的砖,瓦砾,盐碱地,工业渣等等未能这样做:-)。你提到的问题是一个因素的属性>看生产的情报,事实证明,通常是一个有用的诊断比你所想的那样。大量生产标本看起来不特别制造,特别是在侵蚀和风化。相反地,大量的自然发生的对象看起来非常普通的和复杂的。 [![slag and pyrite][1]][1] On the left, objects manufactured by intelligence ([slag from the Knight Smelter in Utah](http://elementsunearthed.com/2013/06/03/tintic-soil-study-part-2-collection-trip-to-knight-smelter-and-silver-city/)). On the right, a naturally occurring specimen of [dodecahedral pyrite from Elba, Italy](http://www.cfm-minerals.it/Italy_pages/Tuscany_ElbaIsland_Riomarina.htm). So a subjective, purely visual judgement that something ‘looks manufactured’ or ‘doesn't look manufactured’ can be very misleading. Your question also asks specifically about the ‘Moqui marbles’ of the [Navajo Sandstone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navajo_Sandstone): > If Earth only had them would science say they are ancient artifacts from a past civilization? The answer here is, again, a firm **no**. This is easy to check because, of course, the ‘Moqui marbles’ had been observed long before Opportunity landed on Mars in 2004, and at that time scientists did not regard them as ancient artifacts from a past civilization. For example, [Chan *et al.* (2000)][2] described them like this: > Small concretions of secondary iron oxide deposits are exclusively hematite-cemented sandstone. These concretions form all kinds of shapes from millimeters to centimeters in diameter, and cut across primary bedding structure. Some concretions are solid spherical balls around unknown nuclei; others are spherical rinds with plain red-stained, host rock interiors (lacking black-colored hematite cement on the inside). Concretions also exhibit forms that appear to have coalesced or joined (similar to two glued marbles), or exhibit a variety of other odd shapes (buttons, disks, irregular knobby forms to spiked-looking balls). As you see, the authors identify these objects as *concretions*. (Also note that, although you claim that they're only "minutely" different in size and shape, the description here mentions a great deal of variation in both those properties.) [Concretion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concretion) is an extensively studied geological phenomenon which occurs across the globe. There’s no need to invoke an ‘intelligent manufacturer’ to explain it, whether or not concretions are found on other planets. ---- [Chan, M. A., Parry, W. T., & Bowman, J. R. (2000). Diagenetic hematite and manganese oxides and fault-related fluid flow in Jurassic sandstones, southeastern Utah. *AAPG bulletin*, 84(9), 1281-1310.][2] [1]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/WAdvM.jpg [2]: http://archive.li.suu.edu/docs/ms130/AR/chan3.pdf