>我的理解是,我们使用的化石燃料能源被埋碳>在石炭纪生成丰富的植物>在缺氧的沼泽。如果我们是导致气候变化的扭转>这种效果,倾销吨碳碳循环回…为什么>回收纸或其他产品创建,一定,拉>大气中的碳?> >不会更有益的这样的废物处理方法是>找一个方法将他们孤立于风化的影响和>保持它们包含碳锁定尽可能长时间吗?我认为你的问题已经回答的一部分,所以我试一试。1)我不确定有足够的缺氧的水域/沼泽这样的项目,和2,不容易把东西埋在一片沼泽,运输会有问题(数百万吨的再生纸),因此这将是相当密集的工作。这不容易埋下数百万吨纸和沼泽浮动,所以,没有保证这将是长期的。2)让我们看看有多少纸使用。每年大约有33亿立方米的树是收获,超过一半的进入燃料做饭和取暖。17%进入造纸(大概会上升,如果我们停止循环,所以让说20% - -25%。 And wood is about 50% carbon (sources all in the link below) http://www.tappi.org/paperu/all_about_paper/faq.htm So, theoretical anoxic stored used paper & cardboard. 3.3 billion cubic meters (harvested per year) x 20%-25% (paper/cardboard share) x 50% (carbon content) x lets say density of 900 KG per cubic meter (cause the estimate is size not mass). If you returned all the paper and cardboard into anoxic storage, roughly 0.3 - 0.37 billion tons of carbon (not CO2, just carbon) could be stored per year. Mankinds production, about 8 billion tons of carbon. (I'm calculating carbon not CO2 which is about 30 billion tons per year). So, the simple truth of it is that we use a lot more oil than we do paper. Even if every last scrap of used paper and every bit of used cardboard were all anoxicly stored, that would reduce our carbon footprint maybe 3%-4%. If you add to that, every bit of discarded wood - what then? 5%. 6, maybe 7%, and such actions would be both energy intensive and require increased tree cutting mentioned in the other answers, so there would be a fair measure of diminished returns. A friend, who I used to debate this subject with often, had a similar idea - you want to fight greenhouse gas, he'd say, just build more things out of wood. Wood stores carbon, which it does. He was right, but we can't grow and harvest enough wood to make a real dent in our carbon footprint. Besides, when wood is harvested, and turned into furniture or a house or whatever else, energy goes into that. I'm not sure how much is even saved from the footprint by building more things from wood. It's a good question but I think, ultimately, not practical. http://www.paperimpact.org/how-much-wood-is-harvested-each-year-world-wide-and-what-is-it-used-for-1941.html