因为欧洲的无限智慧。笑话不谈,他们反二氧化碳无稽之谈已经撤销利用廉价而清洁的天然气。现在欧洲满足能源需求的燃烧木头和垃圾。煤的普及之前,木材是不仅为房屋供暖也用于工业过程;这是prdominant能源为人类。即使英国一半的陆地面积被森林覆盖着我们可以一年125万吨棒铁(当前消费的一小部分)。即使人口比今天的更低,工业制成品在陆地经济的保留精英。深的绿色能源生产分散,基于土地的产品——比核泄漏对人类造成更大的损害。如果欧洲关闭核电站不会水,风和太阳,但是化石燃料和进口木片来运行他们的工业社会。核最大的优势除了它没有气压上污染。 A kilowatt-hour worth of coal fired electricity produces about 2.07 lbs of CO2 or over a million tons per terawatt-hour. The nuclear plant in my home state produces 14.9 Terawatt-hours per year; preventing over 15 million tons of CO2 per year or over half a billion tons over the last 40 years. The US nuclear industry keeps 830 million tons of CO2 out of the air annually. The other thing is the power density and 24/7 reliability a Nuclear reactor takes up a few acres of land and on it's size produces about 10-20 terawatt-hours per year; a wind farm or solar farm covers hundreds of thousands of acres. Were 7 billion people; were gonna be 9 billion by 2050 and they're moving to cities from the villages, the world is now 50% urban, up from 14% in 1900, it's gonna be 60% urban people by 2030, and 80% urban by 2050 that's 7 BILLION people living in cities and with it a appetite for city living means 24/7 power demand And they cant rely on combustion for heating, cooking, light and transportation they'll need electric power and that's either gonna come from FOSSIL or Nuclear. Your choice.