我只是读这篇文章[流星在大西洋上空爆炸][1],它指出,“由NASA公布的数据表明,流星释放的能量相当于12000吨TNT(13000吨),它是移动超过每秒15.5公里(9.6英里每秒)。”Awesome. I understand that part. What I don't necessarily understand is how an explosion happened if the meteor is disintegrating. Is it when the meteor enters the atmosphere, or is there some reaction that I'm missing. Thanks! Edit - My understanding is that it caused an explosion after entering the atmosphere prior to hitting the ground. My question is how that is possible? I understand the concept of the atmosphere and ground would cause an explosion, but how is it possible while in mid-air? PS - Couldn't figure out which Overflow I should place this question in. This one sounded the best. Thanks! [1]: http://www.iflscience.com/space/largest-meteor-years-fell-over-atlantic