是的,这将是一个糟糕的主意。除了建设和维护成本,影响到人口的影响,和对环境的影响的目的地,好处将是最小的,大致计算答案(体积的土地低于海平面)[1]>所以海平面降低1 m这些萧条>的总面积大约需要5000000公里^ 2。这是美国土地>总面积的一半左右。我没有数据,但是考虑到这些>区域可能适合面积大大小于>德州,我估计,洪水土地低于海平面将>海平面降低完全不是非常的(>毫米,非常小于1米在任何情况下)。还有一个流量问题。基本上你想创建内陆河流流动速度来抵消或逆转海平面上升,这意味着这些河流的流量已经接近全球海面上升的体积。全球海平面上升,每年平均约3.4毫米,或每年1230立方千米(据NASA)[2](率增加)。这个数字大约是(刚果河的流动)[3](世界第二大河流)约(19%的亚马逊河的流动)[4]。由重力,这些都是世界上最大和最深的河流;如果你想此举体积的水,您需要构建渠道每个盆地与净流类似于能力,梯度,不会浸盐水到周边社区的地下水。 (The engineering issues likely pale in comparison to the political challenges.) And keep in mind that transferring water inland is only a temporary solution. Water evaporates and by spreading water over a larger area you're increasing its surface area; Death Valley has an evaporation rate of [140 inches or 3.5 meters per year][5]. (In Southern California, [the Salton Sea][6] is drying out and causing a variety of salinity and dust issues due to lack of inflows.) So you're transferring ~60-degree seawater into a salt pan where it's going to heat up and evaporate and leave behind a toxic brine, then fall or flow back into the ocean, contributing in some small way to the thermal expansion of the ocean. (Also, the net volume of CO2 released by building and maintaining these massive projects would also contribute to global warming in some non-negligible way.) [1]: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/65206/volume-of-land-below-sea-level [2]: https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/sea-level/ [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congo_River [4]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_River [5]: https://wrcc.dri.edu/htmlfiles/westevap.final.html [6]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salton_Sea