现场从我个人的经验有两种类型的取心。1日常规取心。常规取心是使用第三方的切割工具(BHA)井底总成。这由一个[旋转刀头][1]由碳化钨/钻石。核心筒之上钻头比系通过x / o(交叉),钻柱和凯利或顶部驱动器(钻机具体)。这(bha)设备精致到钻井平台设备。需要特别注意同时切割和检索的核心。力矩、重量、泵(如果需要的话)的压力,转速等都必须密切监测。一旦核心。是精致系内桶与一系列的小金属尖头叉子在一个循环的模式。 A trip speed is required as to not damage or shake the core out. Trip speed is time it takes to lay out (dp) drill pipe. 2nd method is wire line retrieval. This uses a Logging truck with gamma tools that log data and X-ray the intended zones. This system requires a [gun barrel system][2][ ][3] on the end of a wireline. The drilling rigs purpose is basically just a plate form. This is just a very basic description from my personal expirence. Feel free to ask more. I’ve provided some examples of bits & barrels as well links with detailed descriptions of both processes. Kind Regards. Jeff B. [Schlumberger‘s coring methods&tools][3] [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/7HKen.jpg [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Q7hqn.jpg [3]: http://www.slb.com/news/inside_news/2015/2015_0612_defining_coring.aspx